
Friday, June 2, 2017

Let Sudo Insult You When You Enter Incorrect Password

Sudoers is the default sudo security policy plugin in Linux, however, experienced system administrators can specify a custom security policy as well as input and output logging plugins. It is driven by the /etc/sudoersfile or alternatively in LDAP.
You can define sudoers insults option or several others in the file above. It is set under defaults entries section. Read through our last article that explains 10 Useful Sudoers Configurations for Setting ‘sudo’ in Linux.

In this article, we will explain a sudoers configuration parameter to enable an individual or system administrator set sudo command to insult system users who enter wrong password.
Start by opening the file /etc/sudoers like so:
$ sudo visudoGo to the defaults section and add the following line:
Defaults   insults
Below is a sample of /etc/sudoers file on my system showing defaults entries.
Set sudo Insults Parameter
Set sudo Insults Parameter
From the screenshot above, you can see that there are many other defaults defined such as send mail to root when each time a user enters a bad password, set a secure path, configure a custom sudo log file and more.
Save the file and close it.
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